What I offer
Explore Services
You are precious
Open studio with children
It is a place where children can come to rest, find themselves again, process and reflect on things, and emerge from it strengthened and refreshed.
I love working with my young clients. I admire their wisdom and energy. Together we create a transformative flow experience.
Contact me for my proven open studio concept for your organization/school/NGO.

What I offer
10 meters Dream Analyses
A Creative Workshop
I developed a powerful tool to dive into our subconscious and the fascinating and enriching world of our dreams and emerge with new perspectives, calmer and stronger.
Contact me today for a workshop for small groups that enhances creativity and cohesion – and in a playful way!
What my clients say
Happy Clients' Testimonials
Collecting success stories of my clients is my biggest inspiration and happiness.
Es ist als würde ich dadurch zu meinem tieferen Ich kommen…

Claude W.
Dankeschön, für deine bestärkenden Worte. Ohne dich, dein Vorbild, die Inspiration, deine Geduld, Lösungsansätze, Erfahrungen, die du mit mir geteilt hast, den geborgenen Raum in dem ich mich ausdrücken durfte, wären meine downs wesentlich tiefer und die ups bestimmt weniger hell und bewusst.
